since its awhile i did somE quiz. . . and exam ovEr. . . befOre i busy again. . . havE a pEek intO mE?
All-Around Smart
You are all-around smart. Essentially, that means that you are a good combination of your own knowledge and experience, along with having learned through instruction - and you are equally as good with theoretical things as you are with real-world, applied things. You have a well-rounded brain.
Kindness is most important in a boyfriend/girlfriend. You want someone who will go through everything with you - the best moments and the worst, and all of those other moments in between. You love to be able to say anything to your partner, and have them say anything to you. You are able to be extremely close with your partner for that reason.
Having a high focus on fun indicates that you value your own enjoyment over anything else. And there is nothing wrong with that. Your motto is we're here for a good time - not a long time.
You have a couple love troubles but not many. You understand the needs and the wants out of a relationship. Just work a little bit harder in showing love, respect, honour, and commitment.
ArG~! there gOes my $150! laSt minute tell mE nO mOre spacE fOr commEx!
9:17 AM
weEeeee!!! LAST PAPER FINALLY OVER! even thOugh its a killer paper. . . @ least the main exam is ovEr. . . sub paper. . . will handle it as it comEs bahx. . . hahaz. . .
havE a grEat and FUN timE tOday. . . juz VERY sad tat TCC tea price has increase frm mere $5.60 a pOt tO sky high $6.80 a pOt! . . . there gOes $2.30 share sharE treat . . . wOrst! lavender is permanently remOve frm the menu!!! WHY!!!
wEll . . . still its dOesnt spOilt the fun! =P
hahaz. . . gEtting familiar wif bus 80 rOute. . . and BUS 10 GOES FRM TAMP TO CITY HALL AREA! hahaz . . . it takEs bOut 1hr 45min . . . hEy! when i start tO bE bus freak? LOL! hahaz . . .
befOre i fOrget. . . HAPPY BD TO KEV! hahaz
gOnna miss TCC treats as thE price increase . . . gOing brOke. . . i mean. . . already am brOke. . . ArG~! and its only likE half of the month only. . . thx fOr thE offEr. . . its really swEet of u! =D bUt wat i need nOw is wOrk wOrk and mOre wOrk. . .
1:29 AM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007,
i thOught tOday was having exam on engineering math... thx gOd i checked... its Occupational Health and safety =x haix... last min brain squeeze... can squeeze wat intO my brain = wat i dOing it ritE nOW...
arG~! yesterday paper is likE BUANG~! nt only tat... i think my brain is exhausted by the use wat formula till it givEs mE a series of head pains oncE the paper ovEr...
hehez... nOw i am sO crazy ovEr tis song... quitE cutE MTV u can find on yOutube... (the lyrics is i kapO frm somE where i dun really rmb... hOpe its cOrrect) hahaz...
EXAM IS JUZ 2HR AND 30 MIN AWAY... tick. . tOck. . . tick. . . . tOck. . . . .
hahaz... nO mOod tO study. . . SO decided tO blOg, and check friendster... hehez... fOund oUt tat there is alOt of ppl on friendster whO added mE and i dunnO them...
gOnna clear oUt thOse ppl sOon i guess. . . unless they start intrOducing thEmselves? LOL!
its raining sO damn heavily nOw. . . is thE sky crying fOr mE? =x
ooh hAirspray is a damn gOod mOvie. . . if u gOt a chancE gO catch it! hahaz...
11:55 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007,
latEr gOing fOr two of my gd frenz bd party. . . hahaz. . .
hOpe everything gOes wEll . . . *crOss-fingEr*
hmmmmm. . . . exam cOming. . . muz bUck up and JiA yOu le!!!
hahaz. . . kinda surprise gOt intO dEbate compEtition. . . crOssrOad nOw. . . jOb VS pAssion . . . hatE it!!! hahaz. . . .
hOpe i gEt a jOb in thE commex IT shOw? hahaz. . . its on the 30th August tO 2nd September. . .
lifE tis days arE bad. . . thE wOrds hUrt dEeper then usual. . . .
wanted tO renew my blOg song. . . hahaz. . . its called hOw six song collide, cOmpile by somE company? hahaz. . . kinda nice, which i tOok frm my brO lappy. . . hahaz. . . bUt his also tis sOng. . . LOL! sianz. . . =P gonna makE a list! hahaz. . .
hahaz. . .
12:54 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007,
wahahahaha... rainy day....
wOke up early sO as tO start packing my rOom and mugging...
nOw... dun sEem tO be able tO mug... LOL! sO no wei ji gan... or wat commonly knOwn as panic? hahaz... exAm is likE less then a wEek ahead... eEek!
sO sianz yesterday... tOok sOme photo... hahaz... oh... did i mention i wEnt fOr a hair cut? hahaz...
7:53 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007,
tOday i muz say... is a interesting day..
wEll... went tO watch license tO wed wif jon... @ grand cathay... as we has 1hr tO spare... decided to chilled off @ the bEn's n jErry's... guess wE were pretty lucky as there is a livE band performing there... and jon told mE onE of the guys singing is thE singapOrean idol... i am likE really? hahaz.. need tO watch tV mOre huh? anyway... thEir singing is really gREAt i havE tO say... as its nt lOng befOre our 1hr chilling timE is up, when wE havE to depart ben's n jerry's i fEel kinda dun wanna leave... hahaz...
license tO wed... very very very nice shOw... it shOws hOw ppl shld put communication before love... its very easy fOr us tO say i LOve u... bUt havE we ever thOught of the consequence... nice show... gO watch it wif ur stead if think ur r/s is stable... nt recommended fOr unstable r/s hahaz...
hahaz... timE flys... study wEek has finally camE... and i am pretty surE its gOnna fly away sOon tOo... sO... timE to get started~!!!
11:38 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007,
wEll... guess anOther relaxing saturday @ homE bahx...
packed my mess up bedrOom tOday... sO as to achieve a cohesive environment fOr my study =P... hahaz... bUt no mattEr hOw much i pack... it still sEem as messy... hehe...
hmmmm... slept thE whole of my afternoon away... sitting dOwn now tO enjOy the wOnderful cOoling weather, thE birds chirping (actually is crOws fighting?) and blOgging away... lifE is greAt... i guess...
suddenly... when i lOok back... i fOund Out... i haven really did anything in my past 18yrs... as in , i did nO grEat achievements... i really do hOpe tat 10yrs frm nOw... i dun fEel the samE way bahx... haix....
tOday and tml is gOnna bE my relaxing day... thE day after tomOrrow will be juz study, study and mOre study... i really hOpe tO get @ least a B fOr my last three subject... (thE rest already confirm to bE either C or D and my mom especially is nt happy bOut it... =x
timE fOr my dinnEr... =P gOnna miss how i spend timE tOday and tml sOon... =x
7:25 PM
hmmmm... re-listening tO all cOrrinne mAy sOngs... hahaz...
yEsterday while w8ing fOr the firewOrks tO start... yUp... the firewOrks... sOmeone explain tO mE the dEeper meanings tO cOrrinne may sOngs... hahaz... listen bEtween thE lyrics... sEek and u shall find... hehez...
sO far.. i sAw the stOries of bEautiful seEd, my little nephew, GreEn eyEs mOnster, 33 and shelther... in thE midst of listening tO thE rest... =P... thE lyrics is really sO great... hahaz...
nEed a haircut prEtty sOon... i cant spikE my hair le... hahaz..
ooh... juz anOther randOm comment (challenge) ...
therE is a mini-fOuntain of wEalth? in sUntec... sEe if u cOuld spOt it... its sO damn cutE and nicE!!! hahaz...
11:48 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007,
in sch...
suMs it all up ritE?
hahaz... gOing fOr firewOrks latEr... hOpe its nt as crOwded as national day... hehez...
if there is sOmething i regret today... is nt bringing bOth my precious lappy and my dEarest mp3 tO sch today... sO sianz nOw... in sch COM LAB...
10:44 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007,
tml is [E]nviromnent [T]echnology TERM TEST!...
haven revise yEt...
bUrning mid nite oil i guess...
and incense tO the gOds tOo...
timE is precious... shldnt wasted it away...
10:09 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007,
Exam, i mean term test, as what the school has put it, is just mere few hours away... yet, i am slacking here... posting somE entries and changing my blog skin..
prepare to flunk i suppose...
havE i chOose thE right path? or isit just anOther circular path? that will make mE walk in circle...
cOrrinne may album, beautiful sEed is currently on the shelves and i highly recommend you to purchase a copy if u haven donE so... thE song that you are currently listening to on my blog is onE of her newest song, Shelter... thE lyrics are very meaningful and the tunE is simply fantastic... hmmmm... juz a thOught... who's namE could i call out? whO's thE one?
SHELTER by Corrinne May
What's wrong, what's getting you down Is it something I might have said? You're walking around, with your head to the ground and your eyes are watery red
I know you've been through tough times Kicked around, thrown to the ground but you've always been the strong one. So don't tell me that nobody gets you 'cause I'm standing in your corner Knocking at your door, You don't have to be alone
Just call my name Let me be an answer 'cause it hurts me to see you this way I wanna ease your pain Help me understand Let me be your shelter, my friend
We share a bond, You and I we belong We're like coffee and morning trains Strip my defences, I catch your pretences The same blood runs through our veins
I swore I'd be your lifeline Make a vow that I'd surround you with love at every milestone I'll listen when nobody gets you I'm still standing in your corner Waiting by your door, you don't have to be alone
Just call my name Let me be an answer 'cause it hurts me to see you this way I wanna ease your pain Help me understand Let me be your shelter, my friend
It was not too long ago You sought to understand You helped to mend, remember when So promise me you'll
Call my name Let me be an answer 'cause it hurts me to see you this way I wanna ease your pain Help me understand Let me be your shelter, my friend.
*hahaz... belOw is a phOto i kaPo from another blog (stranger de)... tOgether wif the lyrics... oh well... thx~!*
11:13 PM
juz another random pOst... read if u want... hahaz..
nevEr had enjOy myself fOr such a lOng time... hahaz...
yesterday went fOr a eat, mOvie, walk walk, play gamEs, eat again, walk walk... hahaz.. had a really great timE =D
bUt tml is my first paper... which is such a spoilter... aRG~!
cOrrine may album rOx~! sO does the persOn who sent it to mE =D
i can bE fierce too okiE? meOw? mEow meOw? ARG!!!! *spiky shiny teeth*
juz plain bOred... gOnna savE up nOw... my next financial targEt gOnna bE my new upgrade phonE =D LOL!
send twO letters to recruitment company... hOpe to gEt a reply soon though... i nEed a jOb... hahaz
tats bOut all... uploading neOprints taken maybE sometimE when i am fRee?
hahaz... timE on my com is nOw 11.11 post tis!
10:56 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007,
hmmmmm.. juz thinking when bathing... nt refering tO anyonE... pardon mE fOr somE simple thOughts...
human arE likE EGGS~!
yUp~! Eggs! as in the half-bOiled, steam, fry, sun shinE eggs...
lEts assume that each and everyonE of us is a raw egg...
life is like our pan of bOiling water...
those who bEen thrOugh the life lOng enuf, will becOme hard bOiled egg... sOft on the Outside... hard in the inside...
while those whO haven bEen thrOugh life long enuf, will becOme raw/half-bOiled eggs... hard on the oUtside and sOft in the inside...
*nOte... thOse wif thicker shells are less likEly to bE cOoked... samE as thOse soaking in cold water...*
nah... nth wrOng wif my com... juz lazy to bring it to sch today... then nOw so inconvenient... LOL! trying to see wat limit does the sch cOm has... hahaz... dun anyhOw think... i wont try surfing pOrn... eh... in the first place... i dun surf pOrn too... bUt i likE sweet pop cOrn thOught... =D
2:39 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007,
dun gEt nEar mE. . . unless u havE anunbreakable armour. . . .
cOz i stings~! prickles~! andstabs~!
maybE i dO need somEtime alOne fOr a moment. . .
givE me till tuesday. . .
i will bE finE. . . till then...
i shld bE finE again? maybE?
4:50 PM
i shldnt bE dOing tis... bUt i am...
i shldnt bE fEeling sO... bUt i am...
tOday bEen an exciting dAy?. . . hahaz... suppose to attend the EM2 revision lesson... it start @ 10am and guess wat timE i wakE up? 10am! lol! then wEnt to celebrate jOhnson bd! lol... on the wAy to mEet sy and celine, i saw somEone tOo... surprise? hahaz...
anyway... wE w8ed @ CENTRAL, clark quay fOr the bd bOi fOr almost an hr... heard his mother nt fEeling well? sO juz like to say... takE care aunty! hehez... (sO lame ritE?)
wEnt fOr pOol... as in the balls, two stick and a table... (erm... pls dun anyhOw think) anyway... didnt nOe i can actually makE the ball spinz... wahahahah... =x
hmmmm... tis pOst sEem tO self centred huh? =P juz fEel likE pOsting...
lol! didnt nOe the firewOrk pOst sOunds sO despo... as wat my fren told mE... =X hahaz... psps...
pics arE wif sy... tats nt the wOrst...
hEr modem is lOcked up by her mum... means... shE cant send mE the photos...
2:15 AM
Friday, August 03, 2007,
lOng timE didnt blOg le...
dunno wat to blOg~! =x
tOday channel U - Hey gorgeous! camE to my sch... TP!
the ppl chOosen was only avG~!... lol! the really gd lOoking de likE didnt cOme sch today sia... hahaz... nt refering to anyonE ya... juz a observation.. =D
so sianz... yAwns... snOre...
9:52 PM
Yours Truly
also known as:
blur kid
the boi who likes to talk alot
whichever you prefer =D
he is someone who rather
be hated for being who he is,
then been love for who he arent